Gaza - Press House
On Thursday, August 05, 2021, Press House - Palestine (BAS) held a legal awareness session on the topic of " Journalists Access to Information Right ", as part of "Legal Protection for Palestinian Journalists" project activities in partnership with the European Endowment for Democracy.
The session was held in Gaza City, with high prevention measures to prevent the outbreak of Covid-19, with the participation of lawyer Mr. Hadi Shuhaibar, a number of journalists (Women & men), students and graduates of media colleges.
The session opened by Lawyer Mr. Mohammad Al Jaesh, from the Legal Protection Unit for Journalists at Press House, stressing out the importance of publishing the law of right in information which allows journalists to practice their work according to role related to them.
From his part, Lawyer Mr. Hadi Shuhaibar, talked about the reality of journalistic work in Palestine because of difficulty of access to information and the legal nature of this right, stressing out that the most international principles related to right in access to information are detection of information, promotion of open-minded policy, the obligation of publishing, sources protection, limited range of exceptions and facilitating the procedures of access to information.
Mr. Hadi Shuhaibar presented the draft of law to access to information which not approved to become as commitment at official entities that guarantee the right of citizens in general and journalists in particular to access to information.
Also, he talked about problems facing journalists (women & men) when preparing media materials in the light of lack of information.
The meeting included a number of participations from journalists (women & men) which focused on right law in access to information.