Gaza - Press House
On Sunday, June 27, 2021, Press House – Palestine (BAS) held a debate session on the topic of “This Council believes that the absence of Right Law in Access to Information Negatively Affected the Reality of Media Freedoms in Palestine”, as part of “Journalists Have Power” project activities, in partnership with the French Consulate in Jerusalem.
With high prevention measures to prevent the outbreak of COVID 19, the debate was held in Gaza City, where the debate course graduates on media freedoms which implemented before by Press House during June 2021, the two debates teams were formed and each team have three talkers, where the two teams chose the topic of the absence of Right Law in Access to Information Negatively Affected the Reality of Media Freedoms in Palestine.
Mr. Abdullah Sharsharha, Lawyer, coordinator of Legal Protection Unit for Journalists at Press House opened the debate and welcomed the audience, then he announced the beginning of debate according to forms prepared before. These forms for scoring records for each team, according to excuses, evidence and strategy which follows, the two teams competed, one of them as agree with subject of the debate and the other disagree. The evaluation committee consist of media professionals Ms. Rola Alian, Ms. Taghreed Al Amour and Mr. Rami Al Shrafi, in presence of a number of journalists, students and media colleges graduates in the Gaza Strip.
The evaluators announced the winning team who is the supporter for the absence of Right Law to Access Information Negatively Affected Reality of Media Freedoms in Palestine.