
Press House Funds a Young Media Initiative to Mark the World Press Freedom Day

Press House Funds a Young Media Initiative to Mark the World Press Freedom Day

Press House Funds a Young Media Initiative to Mark the World Press Freedom Day

Gaza, Sat, April 26 --- Youth journalists' team launched an initiative in cooperation with The Artists' Forum; to enhance freedom of expression through graphic murals, with the fund and support of Press House - Palestine.

Mr.Belal Jadallah, the head of Press House, said:"This support comes as a part of Press House program for funding young media initiatives that aims at enhancing freedom of expression and empowering young journalists' capabilities."

The activity was started with a workshop that gathered a group of journalists and visual artists; to prepare for the launch of the campaign that will be implemented concurrently with the world press freedom day.

The initiative will include drawing several murals in the streets of Gaza City; to emphasize freedom of expression in the world press freedom day.

