Gaza - Press House
On Monday, August 01, 2022, Press House-Palestine concluded a training course on the topic "Multimedia - Photoshop and Premiere Programs", which comes within the activities of the Swiss-Norwegian project for 2022.
The training course was held in Gaza City, and provided by the trainer Mohammad Oda, with participation of 15 trainees from media faculties at universities in the Gaza Strip.
Check the outputs of the "multimedia" course below:
First group: (Ahmed Al Qarra, Khalil Fahjan, Abd Al Rahman Matar)
Second group: (Razan Hamoda, Inas Al Malfouh)
Third group: (Saber Qadouha, Ahmed Gorwan, Abd Al Jawad Abu Laban)
Fourth group: (Loai Hejazi, Wael Al Mohtadi, Mostafa Owda)
Fifth group: (Mariam Henawi, Nehal Al Malfouh, Sondous Al Khateeb)
Outputs of the designs using Photoshop program .