Gaza - Press House
On Thursday, September 16, 2021, Press House – Palestine (BAS) held a dialogue session on the topic of “Media and Concept of Humanitarian Perspective” within "Journalists Have Power" project activities funded by the Government of Canada.
The dialogue session was held in Gaza City, with consideration of high prevention measures to prevent the outbreak of COVID 19, with participation of Ms. Bothaina Hamdan, Media Spokeswoman at Ministry of Culture in Palestine and in presence of a number of journalists (women and men), students, media colleges graduates.
Ms. Hanadi Olwan, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer at Press House, opened the dialogue session and mentioned that Press House works on enhancing the Palestinian narrative and carrying it by objectively and neutrality way to people and international media.
From her part, Ms. Bothaina Hamdan talked about the role of journalists (women and men) in highlighting the humanitarian perspective through a right way and avoiding publishing pictures of corpse and injured people with blood, fear on their relatives' feelings and their psychological case. From other side, she mentioned that the international community doesn’t pay attention to these pictures, because of the difficult perspectives.
The dialogue session included many participations from participants, which focused on necessity of carrying and sharing influential humanitarian pictures that are published as required for people around the world, in addition make sure from pictures sources before publishing.