Gaza – Press House
On Monday, June 14, 2021, Press House – Palestine, held a legal awareness workshop on the topic of " Media Sources Privacy Principle in Palestinian Law", as part of "Legal Protection for Palestinian Journalists" project activities, in partnership with European Endowment for Democracy.
The workshop held in Gaza Strip, with consideration of high prevention measures to prevent the outbreak of COVID 19, with the participation of a number of journalists (women and men) and media students and graduates in the Gaza Strip.
Lawyer Fatima Ashour, facilitator of the workshop, presented the key important topics, like source protection concept and sources protection ways such as complete or partial ignorance of source in journalistic drafting. Also, she talked about legal materials which related in keeping the privacy of source, reasons of court to request announcing the source to achieve justice, security protection of country and to detect crime.
This awareness workshop aims to raise the awareness of journalists (women and men), to enhance their legal protection, in order to protect them from legal accountability.