Gaza - Press House
On Thursday, May 19, 2022, Press House -Palestine (BAS) held a legal awareness session on the topic of "The Journalist's Right in Privacy and Digital Security", which is within a series of legal awareness sessions implemented within the Legal Protection Project for Palestinian Journalists activities in partnership with the European Endowment for Democracy.
The session was held in Gaza City, with participation of Mr. Abdallah Sharsharh" Coordinator of the Legal Protection Unit for Journalists", Mr. Mohammed Al Jaish "Legal Consultant", in presence of a number of lawyers, journalists, students and graduates of media colleges graduates.
The session was opened by Mr. Abdullah Sharsharh, stressing that Press House aims to raise the awareness of journalists and students of media faculties about their right in privacy and digital security, in addition to the high rates of digital violations committed against them.
Mr. Mohammed Al Jaish mentioned the importance of respecting official authorities and press institutions the right of journalists in privacy and digital security, and the necessity of commitment with the legal principles that law enforcement agencies can resort to arresting, questioning or inspecting journalists.
The workshop included a number of participations from the participants, which focused on the right of privacy and digital security.