Gaza - Press House
On Monday, October 19, 2020, Press House - Palestine (BAS) concluded a training course on the topic of "Investigative Journalism", the training targeted a number of 15 trainees were selected as freshly graduates from Journalism and Media faculties at the Palestinian universities in the Gaza Strip.
The training was provided the international Ms. Marine Vlahovic , the training was lasted for 7 training days for 35 hours, via ZOOM application as part of activities of Strengthening Free & Independent Media in Palestine Project.
The course was delivered focusing on the practical aspect, after introducing the investigative journalism and what distinguishes it in Gaza, where the trainees worked in a group system, on a specific idea for each group, based on the observations that the trainer gave it, concerning the basis for identifying open and human sources and reaping the information that serves the course.
Ms. Vlahovic depends on a specific system to organize the ideas of the trainees and discuss them about the idea of the investigation and the mechanism of its completion, so that it is written appropriately, according to the information available.
The course hosted Mr. Abdullah Sharshra, Legal Counsel, who spoke about the common mistakes that investigative journalists may drop in , reviewing the point of view of the law in this side
Ms. Marin concluded the course by discussing the investigations completed from the participating groups, reviewing the errors and the mechanism of correcting them, and to provide them many tips on the work of investigative journalism.