Gaza - Press House
On Tuesday, August 31, 2021, Press House - Palestine concluded a training course on the topic of "Investigative Reports Preparation ", as part of “Strengthening Free & Independent Media in Palestine” project activities funded by the Norwegian and the Swiss Governments.
The training course was held in the Gaza City, with consideration of high prevention measures to prevent the outbreak of COVID 19, seven days with a total of (35) training hours, presented by Mr. Fadi Al Hasani, Investigative Journalist, targeted 15 trainees as journalists and media colleges graduates.
Mr. Al Hasani presented a number of points which aims to raise the knowledge capabilities for trainees (women and men), regarding with the discovery study for preparing investigative report, ways of collecting information, preparing the hypothesis and research methodology, investing technology for serving the investigations and ways of legal protection for publishing information.
Also, he explained concepts of preparing investigative reports and the difference between deep and traditional processing and how to build clear and applicable hypotheses, in addition to how to invest in digital tools in developing investigative reports through depending on open sources, data analysis, drawing electronic mapping, ways and methods of presenting investigative report.
During the practical framework, he divided the trainees for five groups, each group consist of three trainees (women and men) working on one topic, with aim of raising their knowledge and practical capabilities.
All investigative reports which prepared by trainees (women and men) within the practical training were presented on specialized technical and legal evaluation committees before publishing them to public.
To see the investigative reports which prepared by trainees (women and men), click on topics mentioned below:
At the end of the course, certificates were distributed among the trainees and project team honored the trainees who won the top three places.
The first place: Ghassan Miqdad, Shaima Al Mohtasib, Shaima Abu Shamala.
The second place: Asma Al Daya, Nada Abu Ghadein, Eman Safi.
The third place: Yousef Mhanna, Mohammed Al Dahdouh, Mohammed Abu Amer.