Gaza - Press House
On Monday, May 10, 2021, Press House (BAS) held an awareness workshop on the topic of “Freedom of Expression and Hate Speech in the light of Postponing Palestinian Elections” as part of “Strengthening Free & Independent Media in Palestine” project activities funded by the Norwegian and the Swiss Governments.
With high prevention measures to prevent the outbreak of COVID 19, the awareness workshop was held in Khan Yunis and attended by Mr. Ahmed Alagha, Lecturer, and Mohammed Abu Shahmah, Journalist, and a group of Journalists (women and men) in the southern Gaza Strip.
The workshop aimed to discuss the intellectual conclusions with media professionals on the ways of reducing hate speech and reaching approved points in leading the general Palestinian opinion toward the necessity of maintaining social peace.
The discussion focused on considering freedom of expression as a right guaranteed by Law, the role of media institutions and Journalists in using hate speech through their work, in addition to avoiding them from publishing agitated media materials.
The awareness workshop included many participations from journalists (women and men); most of them stressed the necessity of activating unitary speech seeking moderation and the role of journalists and media institutions in avoiding hate speech and differentiating between criticizing the public figures and agitation against them.