Gaza – Press House
On Wednesday, March 10, 2021, Press House - Palestine (BAS) concluded a training course on the topic of “Usage of Smartphones in Filmmaking & Producing T.V Reports during Elections” as part of the “Strengthening Free & Independent Media in Palestine” project activities funded by the Norwegian and the Swiss Governments.
With consideration of high prevention measures to prevent the outbreak of COVI19, Mr. Hisham Zaqout and Mr. Hazem Abu Hamid, the trainers of the course, reviewed and explained the mechanisms of smartphone usage by shooting T.V report correctly through different applications and programs.
The trainers explained the equipment needed in producing films and TV reports, and the proper way to ensure archiving the media materials without being damaged. In addition, they explained the mechanisms of writing the script and the idea, shooting video clips, and making professional montage by using the most important applications.
Furthermore, the trainers provided the trainees with the methods of scheduling filming dates and production stages in addition to the appropriate mechanisms of recording sound, and using images, and lighting in producing films and T.V reports.
It is noteworthy that the smartphones training course targeting 15 graduates (women and men) from media colleges in the Gaza Strip is an intensive and continuous training held for eight days.
The trainees were divided into 5 groups as part of the practical training to produce films and TV reports showing the extent of benefit from the information they received during the course.
At the end of the course, the trainees were given their certificates. As a result of reviewing their short movies as the wining outputs in the eight- day training, the first three winning positions were announced; (the Ninety Movie) got the first place and it was produced by “Ms. Hedaya Hasanin, Mr. Samy Al-Jamal and Ms. Rawan Ahmed”, the second place was for (Mud House) T.V report produced by “Mr. Bassam Nasser, Mr. Mohammed Bakron, Mr. Hamdi Abu-Kamil and Ms. Asala Kollab,” the (Election) film got the third place produced by “Ms. Nema Al-Masri, Mr. Mahmoud Abu Mosalam and Ms. Enas Al-Diri.”