Gaza – Press House
On Sunday, February 7, 2021, Press House – Palestine (BAS) organized an awareness workshop on the topic of “Publishing Crimes in the Palestinian Law” as part of “Enhancing Free and Independent Media in Palestine” project activities funded by the Norwegian and the Swiss Governments.
With consideration of high prevention measures to prevent the outbreak of COVID19, a group of journalists, media graduates, and lawyers participated in the awareness workshop.
Mr. Abdullah Sharshra, coordinator of the Legal Protection Unit for Journalists at Press House opened the workshop pointing out that Press House will hold many specialized legal awareness workshops to raise journalists’ (women and men) awareness. The methodology for holding such workshops is based on the integration of international standards of media freedoms with the provisions of local law, Mr. Sharshra added.
Ms. Aya Al-Mograbi, the facilitator of the workshop, reviewed the types of publishing crimes included with the Palestinian publishing and publications law, such as publishing with corrupt intent, publishing the court records, and publishing with intimidating intent. She also indicated to the legal standards journalists (women and men) must follow to avoid legal accountability.
The workshop included many of participations and recommendations from participants. Most of them focused on the methods and mechanisms that help journalists to avoid getting into legal publishing problems.