Gaza - Press House
On Tuesday, December 15, 2020, in partnership with Al-Najah University Media Center, Press House – Palestine (BAS) organized a dialogue session on the topic of "The Palestinian Women and International Day for Human Rights"
The meeting was on the occasion of the International Human Rights Day, held in Gaza City and Nablus, as part of strict preventive measures in the light of COVID-19, in presence of a number of journalists and graduates of media colleges, and in the participation of journalists from Al-Najah University in West Bank via ZOOM application.
Ms. Hind Abu Ayada, guest of the meeting addressed the International Declaration of Human Rights as part of highlighting women's rights in the community.
Ms. Abu Ayada discussed the importance of the role of women's associations in working to protect Palestinian women from forms of violence and discrimination, empowering them in various fields of society, and working to adopt laws that recognize their rights and protect them from violence.
MS. Abu Ayada also reviewed the most prominent problems facing Palestinian women, including what she called "the marginalization of women's issues by the official media, the lack of addressing their rights only within narrow limits, the spread of negative stereotypes of the role of women, and the role of customs and traditions in restricting them".
From her part, Ms. Noorhan Masri, Press House coordinator in the West Bank, said that Palestinian women are struggling to claim their rights through campaigns, in addition to women's movements, which in turn created a large audience and began with an organization idea demanding political, economic and social rights.
The participants came up with a number of recommendations, most notably, that the media should highlight violence in all kinds of violence to which women are exposed, as well as promote women's work in Palestine, as they have the ability and the strength to take and look towards change, and have a lot of positive foundations that can be built upon, in addition to putting issues of gender-based violence on the table of decision makers mainly, whether in government, community or clan work.
It is worth mentioning that this initiative as part of Strengthening Free & Independent Media in Palestine Project activities.