Gaza - Press House
On Sunday, October 9, 2020, Press House – Palestine (BAS) concluded a training course on the topic of "Human Rights and Legal Awareness for Journalists" in the presence of 20 participants of a group of students and graduates of the faculties of journalism and media in the Gaza Strip.
The course continued for four days, the facilitators of training course was Ms. Samia Al-Ghussin (lawyer) on the first and the second days, and on the third and fourth days the facilitators was Mr. Kanaan Al-Sourani (legal consultant), as a part of journalists Have a Power project funded by Canadian Government.
Ms. Al- Ghussin explaining the definition of media freedoms in international human rights law, what the Universal Declaration of Human Rights holds, the International Covenant on Political and Civil Rights, and what is the legal value of the international covenant and the signing of the State of Palestine.
Mr. Al-Sourani also explained how to obtain permission to shoot and publish, record phone calls or video without permission, and also explained the documents classified by law as confidential.
Mr. Al-Sourani explained during an in-depth reading, the crime of insult, defamation and its relation to the work of journalism and mechanisms to avoid journalists fall into problems.