On Thursday, 10th.Oct.2019, the Press House - Palestine concluded a training course, entitled "The Art of Writing a Press Story", which lasted for five consecutive days by 25 hours and presented by the Journalist Alaa Abu Aisha.
The training course targeted 15 trainees from both gender who work in the field of press and media.
The first day covered the elements of the press story and the criteria to be met in the journalist who wants to write a press story.
On the second day, Abu Aisha talked about the public audits of the press story and how to write subtitles that fit the story itself.
The course also included modeling stories and provided a ready-made template to help trainees writing the press stories.
During the course of “The Art of Writing a Press Story”, each trainee prepared a story that was discussed and assessed during the course.
Three winning press stories were announced at the end of the course and the Press house provided a financial rewards for the winners.
This course comes as part of the project “Towards an Independent Media Platform for Capacity building, Awareness, and Involvement of Journalists” , funded by the Norwegian and Swiss governments.