On Tuesday, August 22, 2023, Press House - Palestine concluded the orientation sessions on "Digital Media & SEO", within the activities of the project "Enhance Digital Media Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups in Palestine" in partnership with the Representative Office of Federal Republic of Germany in Ramallah.
The sessions, which took place from August 9 to August 22, 2023, were presented by engineer Ismail Saafin, an expert in SEO. He reviewed the mechanism of keyword search using a variety of tools, as well as attracting visitors, promoting digital content, and adapting articles or media materials to comply with SEO.
The participants in the orientation & counseling sessions produced a number of media materials that correspond to the objectives of the project and shed light on the issues of vulnerable groups in Palestine, to show the benefit of the information they received during the sessions.
The project includes a training program on several topics with participation of (20) graduates from media faculties in the Gaza Strip.