Gaza - Press House
On Thursday, September 9, 2021, Press House - Palestine (BAS) held a dialogue session on the topic of “Accessibility Level of Media Workers to the Right to Work” as part of "Legal Protection for Palestinian Journalists" project activities, in partnership with the European Endowment for Democracy.
The dialogue session was held in Gaza City, with consideration of high prevention measures to prevent the outbreak of COVID 19, with participation of Lawyer Mr. Mohammed Zayed and in presence of a number of Journalists (women and men), students and graduates of media colleges.
The dialogue session was opened by Mr. Abdullah Sharshara, Coordinator of the Legal Protection Unit for Journalists at Press House, stressed that Press House works on strengthening and building the capacities for journalists at different legal fields related to their work, also he said that reality of labor market in media sector affects on the right to work for journalists, as level of monthly income, unemployment rate of media graduates, occupational safety procedures and media institutions commitment on contracting standards and procedures with media workers.
From his part, lawyer Mr. Mohammed Zayed talked about labor market in journalism and media filed, the most important features for this market and difficulties that media workers facing, as absence of laws and legislation and the weakness of syndical organizational.
Lawyer Mr. Mohammed Zayed presented the rights that journalists should enjoy based on regulating laws as: Basic Law and Labor Law number 7 – year of 2000, also he mentioned that the laws related in journalistic work should be developed in the field of providing professional protection for journalists, especially in related to safety professional.
The dialogue session included many participations from participants, which focused on necessity of amending Palestinian laws and making bigger efforts from side of the civil community, the private sector and the journalists syndicate for providing suitable environment for journalists to enjoy their professional rights.