Gaza - Press House
On Thursday, 02 September 2021, Press House – Palestine (BAS) held hashtag tweet session on the topic of “#Yes_to _Press_Freedom”, as part of “Legal Protection for the Palestinian Journalists” project activities in partnership with the European Endowment for Democracy.
The tweet session was held at Press House in the Gaza City, with consideration of high preventive measures to prevent the outbreak of COVID19, with participation of a number of social media influencers, journalists and lawyers.
Lawyer Mr. Abdullah Sharshara, Coordinator of Legal Protection Unit for Journalists at Press House, opened the tweet session saying “the right of free opinion and expression is a fundamental human right, stressing that press freedom is an introduction to ensure the exercising of human rights and to contribute in achieving good judgment and supporting its bases as transparency, accountability and supervision.
The participants tweeted on hashtag #Yes_to_Press_Freedom, and calling for freedom of press work in Palestine.
This tweet session which organized by Press House – Palestine(BAS), aimed to emphasize the importance of press freedom, using electronic advocacy tools, in order to reach large numbers of people and users of social networking platforms. The campaign reached more than 300,000 followers through social media platforms.