Gaza - Press House
On Monday, June 21, 2021, Press House – Palestine (BAS) held an awareness workshop on the topic of "Occupational Safety Procedures for Journalists", as part of “Strengthening Free & Independent Media in Palestine” project activities in partnership with the Norwegian and the Swiss Governments.
The dialogue session held in the Gaza City, with consideration of high prevention measures to prevent the outbreak of COVID 19, in presence of journalist Sami Abu Salem, trainer of occupational safety for journalists and participation of a number of Journalists (women and men), students and graduates of media colleges in the Gaza Strip.
Abu Salem reviewed occupational safety for journalists concept and the most risks which facing the Palestinian journalist, especially that Palestine is considered a “Hot conflict spot", focusing on several factors that journalist must take it to deal with the issue and to reduce the risk, as geographical, weather, economic, political and social factors, In addition to the security situation in areas which the journalist goes to cover.
Abu Salem mentioned that the workshops and training courses contribute to refining journalists (women and men) skills to deal with risk management and reduce potential damage which they may expose to during their journalistic coverage.
The awareness workshop included a number of participations from journalists (women and men), which focused on the necessity of holding more courses on occupational safety for journalists, first aid courses and digital security.