Gaza – Press House
On Sunday, May 9, 2021, Press House (BAS) held a discussion session on the topic of “violations against media freedoms in Palestine during the first quarter of 2021- results, recommendations, and lessons” as part of “Legal Protection for the Palestinian Journalists” project activities in partnership with European Endowment for Democracy.
With consideration of high prevention measures to prevent the outbreak of COVID 19, a number of journalists (women and men) and media graduates participated in the session held in Rafah city in the southern Gaza Strip.
Mr. Abdullah Sharsharah, Lawyer and Coordinator of Legal Protection Unit for Journalists, presented the factsheet issued by Press House on the violations against media freedoms in Palestine during the first quarter of 2021 pointing out the violations committed against Journalists (women and men) either by Israeli Occupation or internal entities in addition to violations against digital rights during the first quarter of 2021.
He also mentioned the number of violations against media freedoms in Palestine during the first quarter of 2021 has reached (179), as the Unit has documented (135) violations committed by Israeli Occupation, (18) internal violations, (26) violations against digital rights.
The awareness session included many participations and recommendations; most of them focused on asking the Palestinian authorities in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip to stop detention procedures because of publishing issues or being under investigation for related journalistic work in addition to respecting the Palestinian Law and international charters joined by the Palestinian authority.