Gaza – Press House
The Legal Protection Unit for Journalists at Press House - Palestine (BAS) has published a factsheet on the violations against media freedoms in Palestine in February, 2021.
The factsheet explained violations committed against Palestinian journalists (women and men) by Israeli Occupation and internal entities in addition to the violations against digital rights.
In February 2021, the Legal Protection Unit at Press House has documented (14) cases of temporary detention of journalists, (11) inspection cases for journalists and their equipment, and (4) confiscation cases for vehicles and equipment belonging to Palestinian journalists.
Also, in February 2021 many other violations have been witnessed: (3) journalists were subjected to physical attacks, (6) journalists were prevented from coverage, (4) journalists were suffocated by tear gas and (1) trail for imprisoned journalist was delayed in Israeli Occupation prisons. Internally, (1) journalist was trailed by Palestinian courts, (1) journalist was arrested by the local authorities as a result of a complaint against him, (7) threat cases for journalists and (1) court ruling restricting media freedoms in addition to (8) violations against the digital rights on social media.
For more see the fact sheet below: