Press House - Palestine, held on Monday, a dialogue meeting entitled "The Reality of the Student Council Elections in Palestinian Universities", with the presence of the representatives of the various student bodies and blocs; to discuss methods of holding elections for student councils and operationalize them in the Gaza Strip.
He said that the elections of the student councils were disabled because of the division over universities that had become "The hostage to the parties that control the election situation."
He said that some of the student frameworks suffer from obstacles that prevent them from involving in the statement of understanding and the procedures of holding student council elections in the universities. Adding that,”Such as youth groups who suffer from security prosecution and they are not allowed to take offices and headquarters in Gaza, as well as the lack of a unified electoral system within the uniiersities.
Ali called for signing a code of ethics between all concerned parties of national actors universities administrations and others to agree on a specific date for holding elections for students councils of different universities.
In turn, Salim Al-Agha, the Representative of Youth Groups agreed on this demand put forward by the Secretary of the Student Frameworks, pointing out that there are real obstacles facing the youth groups.
According to Al-Agha, the young groups suffer from prosecution, which prevents them from joining the agreement to hold student council elections, unless there is a real guarantee in addition to the need for freedom to practice student activities within the university yards.
For his part, Mohammed Firwana, the Representative of the Islamic Bloc, denied the continued existence of security prosecution of youth cadres, pointing out that this has been exceeded by providing guarantees for these cadres since a long time, calling at the same time on the need to move the student frameworks systematically on the ground.
While Mohammed Al-Shrafi, the Representative of the Islamic Association, put forward another view is that "the need to develop the student secretariat and operationalize its presence in universities;to serve the students and aware them of their advancement.
He noted that there was a previous national agreement in 2014 to hold elections for student councils”But it needs to be activated," he also appreciated the efforts of the Press House to hold such meetings.
In conclusion, there were different interventions by the universities students who attended the meeting, some of whom stressed that the election crisis is a political one related to Fateh and Hamas, while some attributed it to the university administrations that need references in order to take the decision to allow holding the elections.