Press House, Palestine implemented a training course entitled “Social Media Tools& Journalistic Ethics& Standards” by 20 training hours, targeting 15 journalists of both genders.
The training course was lectured and presented by Mr. Khalid Safi who’s an expert in social media field
The training course included a number of topics such as the ethics of journalistic and media under the media theories in addition to analytical theories and regulations of journalistic ethics.
It also dealt the technical side including the mechanisms of developing social media use to be reachable to a larger audience number in addition to live broadcasting techniques and how it effectively influence the public.
The trainees are going to participate in a media campaign which Press House is willing to implement it during 2018 to maintain the apply of theoretical aspects of this training, where the trainees were thankful to efforts to carry out this course and to Mr. Khalid safi as well and they expressed the appreciation to Press house for hosting the various media needs.
This Course comes up within the capacity building program and activity of “Enhancing the Freedom of Expression and the Independency of Media” project which funded by the Norwegian and Swiss governments