Gaza – Press House
On Tuesday, March 22, 2022, a high-level Swiss delegation represented by the Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Representative of Switzerland in the Palestinian Territories and the Swiss Development Cooperation visited Press House – Palestine (BAS) in Gaza City.
The delegation included Mr. Victor Vavricka "Representative of Switzerland in the Palestinian Territories", Ms. Emilie Saghir "Human Security Adviser", Ms. Emilie Bay-Scheidegger "Programme Manager", Ms. Patricia Danzi "Director General of the Swiss Agency for Development", Mr. Thomas Jenatsch "Deputy Head of Cooperation", Mr. Simon Geissbühler "Head of the Peace and Human Rights Division" and Ms. Andrea Studer "Head of MENA Division".
Mr. Belal Jadallah, Head of Board, welcomed and introduced them to Press House activities, programs and projects implemented for supporting media professionals and graduates of media colleges.