Gaza - Press House
On Thursday, September 10, 2020, Press House – Palestine (BAS) organized a workshop on the topic of "self-learning skills and time investment during quarantine", via ZOOM application, as part of Strengthening Free & Independent Media in Palestine Project activities.
This is the third workshop, on the topic of "self-learning skills and time investment during quarantine" as part of the dialogue club sessions, in collaboration with MA'AN Development Center and the Society of Women Graduates in the Gaza Strip, as part of the activities of the Youth Partnership Forum project.
The facilitator of the workshop was Dr. Sami Nasser Abu Shamla, lecturer at the University College of Applied Sciences (UCAS) and a business development consultant, in the presence of more than 55 participants of a group of students and graduates of the faculties of journalism and media in the Gaza Strip, who are interested in E-Learning and self-learning.
From his part, Dr. Abu Shamla opened the workshop by discussing several topics related to self-learning skills, a comparison between traditional education and education in the 21st century, and how the role of both students and teachers has shifted in the light of the digital possibilities available, and the space of freedom given to students in particular.
Where Dr. Abu Shamla stressed during his explanation that those who wanted to practice self-learning must possess skills related to basic knowledge such as reading, writing, financial culture ,and technical sciences, and possessing personal qualities such as initiative, adaptation and community awareness, in addition to the need to acquire the qualifications through which the students knows how to address complex challenges such as creativity ,and to think outside the box.
During the workshop, Dr. Abu Shamla listened to a set of experiences of the participants during their lifetime of self-learning , especially under quarantine as a result of the outbreak of the Coronavirus in the Gaza Strip.
The meeting included practical training through a special application, which enabled participants to add their achievements during the home quarantine period, especially since the home quarantine imposed upon them to learn e-learning because they had extra time.
At the end of the meeting Dr. Abu Shmala presented a set of online platforms that enable the student to use them for distance-learning and obtain certified certificates that can be used to enhance his C.V and his skills.