During a press conference held in the Press House.. Writers from Gaza denounce their prevention to travel to Ramallah.
Palestinian writers from Gaza Strip held a press conference on Thursday, refusing the prevention of the Israeli authorities to allow them travelling to the West Bank and participate in the Palestine International Book Exhibition at the beginning of upcoming May.
A member of the Palestinian Writers Union Mahmoud Al-Sha’er, said during the press conference that was held in the Press House- Palestine that “the Palestinian Ministry of Culture has officially invited many of writers, journalists and artists in Gaza Strip to participate in the Palestine International Book Exhibition. But these invitations faced a prevention from the Israeli authorities to let them leaving Gaza.
The writers condemned the attempt of the Israeli authorities to destroy the national culture, the Palestinian cultural scene and all practices committed against the Palestinian case, including the right to move inside or outside the homeland.
Where, the writers called the official institutions and international organizations to intervene to stop this humiliation against the Palestinian citizen and intellectual, considering it as a violation of the minimum human rights of freedom for movement and expression of opinion. They also called the Palestinian Ministry of Culture to act in defense of the rights of the writers.
Moreover, the Palestinians writers in the Gaza Strip called the the presidency administration as well as the Palestinian government to pay a serious attention to this issue, because culture is the last shield to protect the Palestinians and their memory as well as their intellectual and heritage, stressing the role of the Palestinian Ministry of Culture and the Civil Affairs Authority to work hard and expedite its procedures to achieve the Participation of invited writers at the Palestine International Book Exhibition.
During the conference, the writers stressed the needs to continue their efforts to send their voices to gain their rights of the cultural representation.