
Press House holds an open dialogue meeting on the situation of the Palestinian women in Gaza

Press House holds a dialogue meeting on the situation of the Palestinian women in Gaza

Press House holds a dialogue meeting on the situation of the Palestinian women in Gaza

On Monday, the Press House - Palestine, in cooperation with the National Center for Community Rehabilitation (NCCR), organized a discussion meeting on the situation of Palestinian women on sideline of the International Women's Day, their role in society and the challenges faced especially by women with disabilities.

The meeting which was held at the headquarters of the Press House – Palestine, entitled "Palestinian Women.. Realities and Challenges", was attended by a number of media students, journalists and representatives of civil society organizations.

Arafat Abu Karim, the representative of the National Center for Community Rehabilitation, said that the harsh reality experienced by women with disabilities acts as a barrier to their potential.

Abu Karim reviewed a study that showed that disability led women to be incapable  to fulfill their roles, and to perform their daily living activities themselves without the help of others, as well as their exposure to psychological situations due to their condition and abuses. The study also revealed that two thirds of women with disabilities are deprived of marriage.

In turn, Hiba Akila, journalist at Al Jazeera, stated that:"Palestinian women face many obstacles, especially those working in the private sector due to the absence of official bodies that are following their work and complaints. As the employer deals with worker women in a purely temperamental manner, based on their appearances away from competence and professional standards, which causes the absence of justice in giving opportunities to women with competence.

Akila also pointed to a number of challenges faced by women journalists, starting with the lack of some parents acceptance of the competition of women to men, and up to the widespread of unemployment and nepotism.
